If You Chose The Float Course - Please Choose Plane
Lodging is included
Courses are 5 nights / Bush & Accelerated float courses are 3 nights
Preferred Check-in Dates *
Preferred Check-out Dates*
Are you interested in a company vehicle for $150/day?*
Are you coming with a group or another pilot?*
Provide Group Member Names:
How does your name appear on your pilots license?*
FTN Number*
Pilot Certificate Number*
Any Restrictions/Limitations on Certificate? (if YES, explain)
Weight (Weight & Balance Purposes Only)*
Total Hours Flown?*
Total Hours Flown (Last 12 months)?*
Do you have military experience?*
Which rating(s) do you currently hold? (Please check all that apply)
Briefly describe your aviation history:*
Are you seeking a float rating as part of your training at Apex Alaska?*
If yes to the previous question, why do you want your ASES rating?
Have you flown with us before?*
What are your goals for flying with APEX?*
Do you plan to do any filming?*
Each CFI has their own media policy and the right to not allow a Go-Pro or other devices to be filming while flying. Please let us know your preferences and goals (if you have them) with regards to filming your flying experience. We will try to place you with the CFI that will be best suited to meet your goals.
If you plan to film and post on social media for a large audience, please get a media contract from the office and also discuss those objectives here.
Please upload your Medical Certificate, Pilots License & Drivers License