About Us
About Us
Broad Backgrounds
Our aviation background is broad and varied; from Mooney Mite to Boeing 747; from hovering to Mach 2; no engines to 4 engines; floats, wheels, skis and skids, we have flown, owned and operated a wide variety of aircraft. Aerodynamics, physics and technique can be studied and taught, but the “feel” of flying has to be learned. Drawing from our own experiences, our aim is to not only teach and explain but ultimately to help facilitate that special moment when you yourself start to sense the environment surrounding you and the aircraft protecting you. You can feel what the aircraft is doing and how it will respond to your touch. There is harmony between you and machine. When that happens, our job is done. Pilot and aircraft are one and the beauty of Alaska comes alive as we explore this great land together.

About Us
Frequently Asked Qs
What else do you offer for activities?We usually have a canoe and a paddle board available anytime and free of charge to use on Visnaw Lake. If you're interested in outside excursions such as fishing trips or ATV trips we can point you in the right directions.
What type of clothes should I bring?Check the weather for Anchorage and Wasilla before you travel. Layering your clothes is always the recommendation as the temperatures vary greatly in the summer and fall months.
How do I get to your place from Anchorage by car?We will give you specific directions if you contact us directly.
What do I need to bring with me?This is where I would recommend a packing checklist.
Can I pay hourly for flying, with a pilot, in the Beaver?Yes, there is a minimum fee of two (hours) for Beaver rental with one of our pilots. So, if you fly less than the two (2) hour minimum, you will still be charged for two (2) hours of rental time.
What is the best way to pay?We accept U.S. cash, credit cards, checks, PayPal, ApplePay, and direct bank deposit. We will email your final invoice on the day of your checkout.
Will I get my deposit back if I cancel?It depends on when you cancel. If you cancel at fourteen (14) days or less, prior to your arrival, you will NOT get your deposit returned to you. If you cancel at fifteen (15) or more days, prior to your arrival, then you will be refunded your deposit.
Is the check ride an extra fee?Yes, the DPE fee is $1000.00. If you choose to pay the DPE fee with a credit card there will be an added fee of 3.00%.
Do you have additional fees?Yes, the DPE fee is $1000.00. There will be a 3.00% surcharge on the $1000.00 if you pay with a credit card. There is a state bed tax of 5.00% that will be charged on the lodging portion of the course.
Do you require a deposit?Yes, we do require a deposit of $500.00 to book a course. Your deposit will be returned to you upon completion of the course in the final invoice. If you choose to cancel you must give us a minimum fourteen (14) day notice to have your entire deposit refunded. A cancellation at fourteen (14) days or less, prior to your arrival, will result in you losing the $500.00 deposit. If there are extenuating circumstances we will evaluate those on a case by case basis. For example, if you lose your FAA medical, we will refund your deposit.
What types of aircraft are available?We currently have three (3) Super Cubs on floats, one (1) Beaver on floats, one (1) Twin Seabee on amphibs, one (1) C-180 on floats, one (1) C-175 on wheels, one (1) C-172 on wheels, and one (1) Enstrom F28C helicopter. An AirCam on amphibs will be coming soon.
Can I use my international certificate to fly with you?You do not need a U.S. certificate if you have no plans to get a rating. If you want to get a SES rating then you must apply to convert your foreign license to a Private Pilot Foreign Based certificate, and have a current verification letter, prior to the checkride. It is a very easy process but does require time. https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/airmen_certification/foreign_license_verification will guide you through the process and if you use the electronic format IACRA https://iacra.faa.gov/IACRA/Default.aspx it will expedite.
When does billable flight time begin?Our aircrafts are equipped with hobbs meters that operate on engine oil pressure.
Am I allowed to instruct in seaplanes once I get my seaplane rating?Yes, if you are a current CFI, you can also instruct in a seaplane once you get your seaplane rating.
Can I fit a friend with me in the plane during my training?This decision is made by your instructor. Typically, your training flights have a lot of take offs and landings, which are not very fun for the person in the back. Later in your training, it might be possible, but the decision is completely based on your instructor’s recommendations (weight and balance, aircraft type, weather, etc.) In Wasilla we fly supercubs that can only hold the flight instructor and the client. If you want Beaver instruction it may be possible to take more people.
Is your Beaver for rent by the hour?Yes, the Beaver can be rented with one of our pilots on board. There is a minimum charge of two (hours) of rental. So, if you want to only fly for one (1) hour or less, you will be still be charged for two (2) hours.
Is your Beaver for rent by the hour?Yes, the Beaver can be rented with one of our pilots on board. There is a minimum charge of two (hours) of rental. So, if you want to only fly for one (1) hour or less, you will be still be charged for two (2) hours.
What if I need more time to train for my check ride?We want you to be confident and competent for your check ride. If you have the flexibility, we are happy to spend more time flying with you until you feel confident. Our flight instructors will not sign you off unless you are ready. Typically, in a 5 day course, it is enough time to be properly prepared. If you want to prepare ahead of time for the oral exam, which is always recommended, you can read the book “Notes of a Seaplane Instructor” by Burke Mees and the FAA Seaplane Flying Handbook (for free online).
Can I get more time in the airplanes?It is not uncommon for pilots to come and fly more than their course hours. Once your course hours have been reached you will be charged hourly for any additional flying time.
How much experience do I need to take your courses?We highly recommend anyone taking our seaplane course to be current on general aviation aircraft. Anyone with a private certificate will learn and benefit from our courses. All the courses offer different perspectives and all off great experiences. Even if you do not have your PPL you can take a discovery flight lesson. If you have your commercial license then your seaplane add-on will be a commercial ASES.
Do you rent your planes solo?No. We do not rent any of our airplanes without an instructor on board.
What do I need to bring for my flight training?You must have a US-issued pilot certificate, current medical and current photo ID (driver license or passport). A passport or birth certificate is required for identification if you lack a valid sign-off. All foreign applicants must have a passport and a stand alone US certificate based on a foreign license certificate, and if planning to take an FAA checkride, a current verification letter from their country.
What is the course pricing structure?All courses have a defined number of flight and ground hours. If you fly over or go above the ground instruction hours then you will be charged the difference. For example, the float plane course has ten (10) hours of flight time and five (5) hours of ground instruction. If you fly eleven (11) hours then you will be charged for the additional one (1) hour of flight time. If you obtain your seaplane rating prior to the ten (10) hours you can fly the remaining hours for fun. For example, if you get your seaplane rating in eight (8) hours you will have two (2) hours of flight time to spend flying for fun. With that same example, we do not give you a refund for any hours, less than ten (10), that you do not fly or leave unused.
Do I need to bring my own headset?Bringing your own headset is highly recommended. We do, however, have a few loaners. Please reach out to us before you show up if you plan to use one of our headsets.
Can I bring another person with me for lodging?Each room has a queen bed and we allow double occupancy per room.
Can I stay extra nights beyond my reservation?Yes, if lodging is available. Advance notice is highly recommended if you know you want to stay longer, beyond your flight training.
Do you provide food?No. We recommend you do your grocery shopping on your way to Visnaw Lake. Each lodging facility has a kitchenette with an induction cooktop (no oven) as well as a microwave.
Can I stay on your property if I do not want to fly?No. We reserve our lodging facilities only for those people wanting to fly.
Where is your location?We are located on Vinsaw Lake in Wasilla. The accommodations we offer are in two (2) hangar apartments on the lake.
Do I need a car?Yes, you do need a car. Visnaw Lake is at least 20 minutes from downtown Wasilla. Wasilla is about one (1) hour and twenty (20) minutes north of Anchorage.
Where can I find the local train schedule?Check out the Alaska Railroad website at https://www.alaskarailroad.com for travel to/from Anchorage or for sightseeing.